Monday, May 9, 2016

Social Studies 5/9/2016-5/13/2016

Parents and Students - Here's what we will be doing in Social Studies this week!

6th Grade:

6th Graders  will be working with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights this week. They will also be taking a 5-question, fill-in-the-blank quiz on Friday, May 13th. There will be a word bank provided. Study resources for the quiz can be found HERE (link to resources).

7th Grade:

7th Graders will continue discussing the Civil War. Reminder that the Springfield trip is this Friday (May 13th). Information about the trip can be found HERE (link to document)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Social Studies 4/18-4/22

Parents and Students - Here's what we will be doing in class this week.

6th Grade:

6th graders will be taking a 10-question matching quiz on Friday, April 22nd. Study resources can be found HERE (link to resources).

7th Grade:

7th graders will be taking a 5-question true/false quiz on Thursday, April 21st. Study resources can be found HERE (link to resources).

7th graders will also be taking a test on Friday, April 29th. A review sheet can be found HERE (link to review sheet). Study resources for the test can be found HERE (link to student study resources).

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Pictures from the History Fair

Here's some pictures that I took during our inaugural Pecatonica Schools History Fair on March 16th, 2016!

History Fair Award Winners!

Here's my students who won the award for the best history fair project in each category:

Best 6th Grade Tri-fold Presentation:

Jordyn Boomer, Maddi Carlson, and Rose Munson

Best 6th Grade Website:

Wyatt Davison, Hunter Hoffman, and Bo Seaton

Best 7th Grade Tri-fold Presentation:

Kayla Lindquist

Best 7th Grade Website:

Emma Gocken and McKenna Handy

Best Research Paper:

Jules Torres - 7th Grader

Monday, March 14, 2016

Social Studies 3/14/2016-3/18/2016

Parents and Students - Here's what we will be doing in class this week:

6th Grade Social Studies:

6th graders will continue discussing cultural conflicts. We will be looking at some materials related to the Holocaust this week. We will have a quiz on Thursday. This will be a 5-point, fill-in-the-blank quiz. There will be a word bank provided. Study resources for the quiz can be found HERE (link to documents).

7th Grade Social Studies:

7th graders will continue discussing the War for Independence. No quizzes or tests this week.

History Fair:

Reminder that the History Fair is Wednesday evening beginning at 6pm at the high school. Students who created a website will need to bring their fully-charged Chromebook to the high school that evening. I will bring over the tri-fold presentations. Students should arrive at the high school no later than 5:30pm. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Social Studies 3/7-3/11

Parents and Students - Here's what we will be doing in class this week:

History Fair:

The History Fair projects need to be completed by the end of class on Friday, March 11th. Students will have this entire week to get their project done. The History Fair will be held Wednesday. March 16th at the high school. Students should arrive by 5:30pm. Exhibition of the exhibits will begin at 6pm. Students who created a website should bring their charged Chromebook to school that evening. I will bring the tri-fold presentations. 

We are still looking for donations of baked goods (store-bought is fine) and powdered lemonade drink mix. These items can be dropped off in Mr.s Dertz's room at the middle school and at Mr. White's room at the high school.

2017 Washington DC trip:

Mr. Dertz will host an informational meeting for any current 7th grader and their family members who are interested in visiting Washington, DC during spring break of 2017. The meeting will be Monday, March 14th at 5:30pm in Mr. Dertz's classroom. If you can't attend the meeting but you are still interested in the trip, please let me know so I can get the promotional materials to you.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Social Studies 2/22/2016-2/26/2016

Parents and Students - Here's what we will be doing in class this week:

6th Grade:

6th graders will continue learning about culture. This week, we will focus on cultural conflicts that have led to wars and genocides. No quizzes or tests this week.

7th Grade:

7th graders will continue studying the American War for Independence. No quizzes or tests this week.

History Fair Update:

We will have History Fair workdays Monday and Friday for the next couple weeks. History fair projects are due FRIDAY, MARCH 11th. The History Fair will be WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th at 6pm at the high school. Students will need to be at the high school by 5:30pm. Students who made a website should bring their charged Chromebook that evening. I will bring the tri-fold presentations and research papers over to the high school. It is important for students to attend. Students who do not attend will lose points on their project! Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Social Studies 2/16/2016-2/19/2016

Parents and Students - Here's what we will be doing in Social Studies class this week:

6th Grade:

6th graders will be taking a test over Ch. 3 tomorrow (2/17). A review sheet/study guide for the test can be found HERE (link to document). Student study resources can be found HERE (link to resources).

7th Grade:

7th graders will be taking a 5-question, multiple-choice quiz over the Declaration of Independence on Friday, February 19th. Study resources for the quiz can be found HERE (link to resources).

History Fair:

Students will be working on the history fair project on Monday, February 16th.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Social Studies 2/8/2016 - 2/12/2016

Parents and Students - Here's what we will be doing in class this week:

6th Graders:

6th graders will be wrapping up Chapter 3. We will take a 10-question, matching quiz on Thursday, February 11th. Study resources for the quiz can be found HERE (link to resources). We will also be taking a test over Ch. 3 on Wednesday, February 17th. A study guide/review sheet for the test can be accessed HERE (link to review sheet). Resources to complete the study guide can be accessed HERE (link to Ch. 3 resources).

7th Graders:

7th Graders will continue discussing the Declaration of Independence. No quizzes or tests this week.

History Fair:

We will be working on the History Fair project on Friday, February 12th.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Social Studies 2/1 - 2/5

Parents and Students - 

Apologies for the late update! This week, 7th graders will be studying the Declaration of Independence and 6th graders will be learning about natural resources. No quizzes or tests this week. 6th grade study resources can be found HERE (link to 6th grade resources). 7th grade study resources can be found HERE (link to 7th grade resources).

We will work on the History Fair on Friday.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Springfield Trip - 7th Graders

7th Grade Parents and Students - 

On Friday, May 13th, the 7th Graders will be taking a field trip to Springfield, Illinois. Students will tour historic and political sites and visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (ALPLM). The cost for the trip is $45. This will cover the cost of both the charter buses we will take and the admission fee for the ALPLM. If you can't make the payment at this time, that is OK. Final payment won't be due until we get closer to the actual date of the trip. If you would like to make monthly or weekly payments instead or if you have any concerns or comments, please contact Mr. King at the middle school office.

If you would like to see what sites we will be visiting, you can access the trip itinerary by clicking HERE (link to field trip schedule)

Students will bring home a copy of the permission form. However, if the form gets lost, you can get another form by clicking HERE (link to permission form).

I will have a limited number of spaces available (about 20) for adults who would like to attend the field trip. This will be limited to legal guardians of current PCMS 7th grade students. Adults who would like to attend the trip must fill out the Adult Volunteer Information and Waiver of Liability (link to form). Cost for adults is $12 (to cover admission to the ALPLM). These spots will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If you have any questions, please contact me via email at

Friday, January 22, 2016

Social Studies 1/25-1/29

Here's what we will be working on in class this week:

6th Grade:

6th graders will take a 5-question, multiple choice quiz on Thursday, January 28th. Study materials for the quiz can be found HERE (link to resources).

7th Grade:

7th graders will have a 10-question, fill-in-the-blank quiz on Wednesday, January 27th. Study materials for the quiz can be found HERE (link to resources).

History Fair Updates:

Students will be able to work on the History Fair projects on Friday, January 29th. The projects will be due at the end of February and will be displayed at the high school in March. Students who are creating a tri-fold presentation should plan on bringing a tri-fold presentation board in by next week if they haven't already done so.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Social Studies 1/19-1/22

Parents and Students - 

Here's what we will be doing in Social Studies this week:

7th Grade:

7th Graders will continue to study the first few months of the American War for Independence. No quizzes or tests this week.

6th Grade:

6th Graders will be taking a quiz on Friday. Study materials for the quiz can be found HERE (link to study resources).

History Fair Updates:

6th Graders will work on the history fair project on Friday after taking the quiz. 7th graders will not have a history fair workday this week.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Social Studies 1/11/2016-1/15/2016

Here's what we will be doing in class this week:

6th Grade:

6th graders will continue studying weather and climate. We will have a fill-in-the-blank quiz on Thursday. Study resources for the quiz can be found HERE (link to documents).

7th Grade:

7th graders will continue studying the beginning of the American War for Independence. No quizzes or tests this week.

History Fair Updates:

All students will work on the History Fair project on Friday.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Social Studies 1/5/2016 - 1/6/2016

Welcome back. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years! Here's what we will be doing in class this week:

6th Grade:

6th graders will begin Ch.3. We will be taking a quiz next Tuesday (January 12th). This will be a fill-in-the-blank quiz. Study resources for the quiz can be found HERE (link to files)

7th Grade:

7th graders will continue studying the American War for Independence. We will be working on a writing project this week. No quizzes or tests this week for 7th graders.

History Fair Updates:

No history fair work days this week. We will work on the history fair next week during MAP testing.