Friday, October 31, 2014

Social Studies 11/3 - 11/7

Parents and Students - 

Next week, students will be writing an essay.  The essay will be due by the end of the day on Monday, November 10th.  Students will choose one example of new technology that emerged during World War I and explain how it changed warfare.  Students will want to utilize the following web links to help choose a topic:

Here are some resources to help students write their essay:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Social Studies 10/20 - 10/24

Parents and Students - 

The next two weeks, we will be applying the Five Themes of Geography to World War I.  Students will be studying maps, photos, videos, and other online sources to gain a greater understanding of the Great War, which began 100 years ago this year.  Students can access the website we will be using the next two weeks HERE (link).  We will have a test over the material next week.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Social Studies 10/13-10/17

Parents and Students - 

Next week, we will have a matching quiz over Section 1 of Ch. 1 on Tuesday, October 14th.  Student study resources for that quiz can be found here (LINK).  We will also take a fill-in-the-blank quiz over Section 2 of Ch. 1 on Friday, October 17th.  Student study resources for the Section 2 quiz can be found here (LINK).

You can also access student resources from my website here (LINK).

Lastly, I would like all corrections from the Ukrainian Crisis DBQ essay shared with me via Google Docs by Friday, October 17th.  That is the end of the quarter.  I won't be able to accept corrections after that date.  Reminder that students must meet with me prior to turning in corrections.  Student resources for the DBQ essay can be found here (LINK).

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Social Studies 10/6-10/10

Parents and Students - 

Apologies for the late update!  This week, students will look at some of the tools that geographers use to study the world.  Student resources for the week can be found here (LINK).  We will have a quiz over this material on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14.

Also, I would like to remind parents and students that I am accepting corrections on the Ukrainian Crisis DBQ essay we did last week.  Students must come in and have a conference with me about their essay before I will accept corrections.  Resources for the essay can be found here (LINK)

If students have earbuds or headphones, please have them bring them to class on Wednesday and Thursday!