Friday, September 26, 2014

Social Studies 9/29-10/3

Parents and Students - 

This week, we will be finishing up our writing project on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.  The paper will be due by the end of the day on Tuesday.  Resources for the paper can be found here (LINK).  The film we watched in class can be viewed here (LINK).  Additional class resources for next week can be found here (LINK).  Thanks and have a great weekend!  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Social Studies 9/22-9/26

Parents and Students - 

Sorry for the late update...this week, we will be studying the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.  Students will watch a video to gain some background information and then will study some maps and photographs.  Students will write an essay based on the evidence they collect from the sources.  Student resources for the week can be found HERE (link).  A link to the video about the Ukraine crisis can be found HERE (link).

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Social Studies 9/15-9/19

Social Studies This Week:

This week, students will be working with determining distance on a map.  We will work with map scales and also the distance tool on Google Maps.  Students will also discuss the difference between political and physical maps.  We will end the week with a video about the ongoing situation in Ukraine and how civil and social unrest often leads to maps changing.  Student resources for the week can be found here (LINK).

Friday, September 5, 2014

Social Studies 9/8-9/12

Parents and Students - 

We will begin working with different types of map projections this week.  Also, on Thursday, students and staff will participate in the "Umbrellas for Peace" parade in downtown Pecatonica to commemorate the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Student resources for the week can be found HERE (LINK).  Thanks and have a great week!

More work with Latitude and Longitude and Google Maps!

Here's students using Google Maps and their knowledge of latitude and longitude to find cities all over the world!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Friday's quiz...

6th Grade Students and Parents -

I am going to postpone the quiz that is scheduled for tomorrow (9/5).  We will take the quiz on Monday (9/8) instead.  This is for 6th graders only.  7th graders will still take the quiz tomorrow.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Social Studies 9/2 - 9/5

Social Studies This Week:

We will continue to work with latitude and longitude this week.  On Friday, we will have an assessment (quiz) over latitude and longitude.  On this quiz, students will be given coordinates and will have to identify locations on a map.  Additionally, student will be give a location on a map and will have to give the coordinates for it.  Student resources for this week can be found HERE (LINK).

Remember to check my website and Teacherease if your child misses school.  Students are responsible for completing work that was assigned when they were gone.

Thanks and have a great week!