Friday, August 29, 2014

Google Maps Engine

7th grade students are using Google Maps Engine to cooperatively create a map of Pecatonica and then find distances and directions between different places.

Finding Places Using Latitude and Longitude

Here's some 6th graders practicing their map reading skills

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Thank You!!!

Thank you to the Cuniff, Bardell, and Miles families for donating some gaming chairs and beanbags to my classroom.  They look great and students have already been using them!

Social Studies 8/25-8/29

Well...we made it through the first week of school!  It was great to see the students back after a long summer.  I hope you enjoyed the weekend and are ready to jump right in to the exciting world of Geography!  I am excited because I haven't taught Geography for a couple years and am looking forward to doing something new after teaching US History only since 2011.  This is what we will be doing in class this week:

Monday - Students will finish up the "Getting to Know You" presentation.  Students will have to share the presentation with me by the end of class.

Tuesday - Students will begin learning about mapping the Earth and finding locations using latitude and longitude.

Wednesday - Students will continue to practice finding places with latitude and longitude

Thursday - More finding places with latitude and longitude

Friday - Students will be using Google Map Engine to create a map of places in Pecatonica and find directions and measure distances between those places.

Student resources for the week can be found HERE (link).  If students are absent this week, this is where they can find the work they missed.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Betsy Ross flag!

Thanks to the Nash family for allowing me to display their Betsy Ross flag in my classroom!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014